It is easy to perceive a dragon as strong, fierce, and vicious.
For as many horror tales of dragons that exist, there are fewer Honorable and sentient tales of dragons that evoke a sense of humanity, or at least a capable being that can think and act with compassion. Nay even, a dragon that was as human as we are.
A Dragon is capable of everything that we are though they can be a force to be reckoned with if angered—having the ability learn to choose to act rather than always being compelled by primal instincts—a rich and complex culture as our own. That is a Dragon.
They embody the best and wost of us, the ability to take our rage and funnel it into a living inferno, or our compassion and kindness, taking it to new heights. Goliath is both sides of the spectrum. He has the rage, and unchecked fury unleashed at a moment’s notice. Something that many humans can relate to as they attempt to wrangle their emotions when they come on too strong and too fast to temper them. While having compassion and awareness that, this is something that has to change and actively working to better himself.
In our lives, we are never complete, always able to strive for a new and better version of ourselves, much like an artist honing their craft. The journey never ends, an exciting world of self-exploration and improvement awaits those who care to look inward.