Good afternoon everyone.
Hope you are all doing well heading into a lovely weekend. If you have kids, stay strong! School is almost at hand and you shall soon get the reprieve you need. Along with the lovely pumpkin spice and fall weather. For those of you who don’t remember, school traffic is no joke! Give yourself extra time to get to your destination on that first week.
Right now it’s time for catching up in the studio. After Con Crud turned Broncitis taking me out for a week and a half most art has been on pause. Luckily there was a quick burst of inspiration that has stuck with me since Wed and it ended up giving me a gorgeous trio of Forest Guardian birds from Dragons Kill with Fire. Patrons can check out the full images of all three today.
Once again, however, I have been neglecting Tutorial Tuesday due to the hectic nature of life (thank you for staying strong Patrons, It is appreciated!). One of the main issues that’s reared it’s ugly head is coming up with source material. So I humbly would like to request help.
This is the time to ask your questions, what would you like to learn from me as an artist? It can be pretty much anything about my art, how it’s done, daily life challenges etc.
As far as tonight’s Tutorial Tuesday, its something a bit different but fellow artists will probably appreciate it.
Thank you!
– Kaitlund